Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nama Fans Setiap Member Super Junior

Sebagai salah satu idol grup papan atas K-Pop yang populer tidak hanya di Korea Selatan. Super Junior membuktikan bahwa mereka memang termasuk penggerak Korean Wave di dunia. Popularitas mereka bahkan sudah dikenal sampai di benua Eropa dan Amerika.

Menjadi seorang ELF (penggemar Super Junior) sudah barang tentu kita pasti menyukai salah 1 dari ke-15 member total Super Junior. Uniknya, dengan mengusung nama ELF, seorang ELF juga memiliki nama lain. Di mana pastinya mereka memiliki 1 idola dalam Super Junior.

Siapa ya nama fans dari tiap-tiap member Super Junior?

Indonesian ELF Terutama “ELF Baru” , Tolong Baca Ini!


Masalahnya adalah sekarang ELF mengalihkan pandangannya dari SUPER JUNIOR (menyedihkannya,ini adalah fakta yang terbukti).


Omong kosong apa ini?Yang benar saja,mereka tidak tahu,ini berpengaruh besar ke Sungmin.Mengetahui bahwa beberapa ELF sekarang beralih pada fandom lain.

Hey,ini adalah kenyataan.Meskipun seberapa seringnya kalian MENYANGKAL bahwa diri kalian tidak beralih,TETAP SAJA ITULAH YANG KALIAN LAKUKAN.Jadi tolong berhenti mengatakan jika kalian MASIH menjadi ELF.Tolong berhenti seakan-akan kalian tidak tahu bagaimana dan di mana kalian harus berdiri.

Akan ada

Katy Perry - Thinking Of You

Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one, I still got the seed

You said move on, where do I go?
I guess second best is all I will know

'Cause when I'm with him I am thinking of you
(Thinking of you, thinking of you)
Thinking of you, what you would do
If you were the one who was spending the night
(Spending the night, spending the night)
Oh, I wish that I was looking into your eyes

Katy Perry - The One That Got Away

Summer after high school when we first met
We make out in your Mustang to Radio head
And on my 18th birthday we got that chain tattoos
Used to steal your parents' liquor and climb to the roof
Talk about our future like we had a clue
Never plan that one day I'd be losing you

And in another life I would be your girl
We keep all our promises, be us against the world
And in other life I would make you stay
So I don't have to say you were the one that got away
The one that got away

SISTAR – LOVING U (Summer Special Album)

Sistar – Loving U (Summer Special Album)
Release Date : 2012.06.28
Genre : Dance
Language : Korean

Track list:

01.Loving U (러빙유)
02.Holiday (홀리데이)
03.Push Push (DJ Rubato Remix)
04.나혼자 (Alone) (Smells Remix)
05.Ma Boy (Smells Remix)
06.니까짓게 (How Dare You) (Demicat Remix)
07.So Cool (DJ Rubato Remix)


1. Sexy, Free & Single
2. 너로부터 (From U) [This song is dedicated for ELF!! >///<]
3. 걸리버 (Gulliver) - Lyrics by Eunhyuk
4. 언젠가는 (Someday)
5. NOW
6. Rock Star
7. 달콤씁쓸 (Bittersweet) - KRY + Sungmin
8. 빠삐용 (Pappilon)
9. 머문다 (Stay)
10. 헤어지는 날 (Farewell Day)

| Download link |

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


1) Let go, forget the burdens of the past. The past cannot be changed. So use it to make the future yours.
2) Be whoever you want to be. Don't live your life how other people want you to.
3) Think positively. No matter how bad a situation, something good will come from it.
4) Remember that everything happens for a reason. When the reason reveals itself, it will blow you away.
5) Change. Learn and grow as a person, become the best person you can and want to be.
6) "Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves". Care for the small things and the big things will happen as a result.
7) Build relationships. From friendships, see the good in people, share your life with them and tell them all of your secrets.
8) Live your life with purpose. Set out to achieve something and do it. The feeling of accomplishment is empowering.
9) Take responsibility. Don't blame your mistakes on others, don't blame others when things don't go to plan. Accept that it happened.
10) Smile. A lot. Smiling releases endorphins that make you feel better instantly, you'll feel happier.
Happiness spreads, SMILE =)

The Perfect Boyfriend

He would scream "i love you" down the halls not caring who who heard him. He'd sing outloud to any song even if I call him retarted. He let me sing outloud and wont call me weird. He'll sit outside with me on my front step because there's nothing to do and wont say he's bored once. He'll let me look like crap wearing a big tshirt and shorts and still calls me beautiful. He won't be shy around my family but acts like he's part of it. He'll argue with my friends that he loves me more. He'll keep every single promise he makes. He'd run up and hug me whenever he sees me. He wont be scared to dance in front of me or act retarted. He'll spend my birthday with me and my family. He picks his friends over me sometimes. He'll remember our anniversaries before I do. He'll call me at night right before I go to bed just so he knows he's the last voice I hear. He'd push my hair away when it's in my face. He wears my favorite shirt of his. A boy who wont ask me whats wrong when I look sad, he'll just kiss me. He'll give me his sweatshirt even if he's freezing and wont make me feel guilty about it. He'd never get jealous because he already knows I love him more than anything and when he says FOREVER, he means it no matter what (:

No Regrets, No Sorrows, No Disappointments

Eat the damn chocolate, get your hair wet, love someone, dance in thos muddy puddles, tell someone off, draw a picture with crayon like you're still 6 years old and then give it to someone who is very important to you. Take a nap, go on vacation, do a cartwheel, make your own recipe, dance like no one sees you, paint each nail a different color, take a bubble bath, laugh at a corny joke. Get on that table and dance, pick strawberries, take a jog, plant a garden, make an ugly shirt and wear it all day learn a new language, write a song, date someone you wouldn't usually go for, make a scrap book, go on a picnic, relax in the sun, make your own home video, kiss the un-kissed, hug the un-hugged, love the unloved, and live your life to the fullest. So at the end of the day, You'll have no regrets, no sorrows, no dissapointments.

Monday, July 9, 2012


I can't stop myself from liking you, or thinking about you. You are the first thing I think of when I wake up and the last thing I think of before I go to sleep. I think that's a cliché from somewhere, but it's completely true :) :$ :3 {} <3

Don't lose your pen!

Lost your pen = no pen
No pen = no notes
No notes = no study
No study = fail
Fail = no diploma
No diploma = no work
No work = no money
No money = no food
No food = skinny
Skinny = ugly
Ugly = no love
No love = no marriage
No marriage = no children
No children = alone
Alone = depression
Depression = sickness
Sickness = death

Lesson: Don't lose your pen, you will die.


I don't understand how you can smile all day long but cry yourself to sleep at night. How pictures never change but people in them do. How your best friend can become your worst enemy, or how strange it is when your worst enemy turn into your best friend. How forever turns into a few short months that you'd do almost anything to get back. How you can let go of something you once said you couldn't live without. How even though you know something is best for you, it just hurts the same. How the people who once wanted to spend every second with you, think a few minutes of their time is too much to spare. How people make promises to be broken. How people can erase you from their lives just because it's easier than working things out.

BULBO [6] Tentang Kelas!!

1. Kelas berapa?
Kemarin kelas XII MM Terpadu (Sarang Semut)

2. Kelasnya dimana?
Di SMK N 7 Samarinda

3. Nama kelasnya apa? Artinya apa?
SEMUT. Namanya dibikin pas kelas sepuluh jadi Sepuluh Multimedia Terpadu. Sampai sekarang tetap menjadi semut

4. Asik nggak kelasnya?
Asik banget doooooong \(´▽`)/

I approached a kid and asked

"What is love?"

The kid answered,

"Love is when a puppy licks your face."

I laughed, but then he added,

"Even after you left him alone all day."



1. Siapa nama kamu? 
Hadriana Agus Shifa

2. Apa arti nama kamu?
Hadriana gak tau apa, Agus itu bulan Agustus dan kebetulan bidan ku namanya Bu Agus karena untuk berterima kasih, Shifa artinya obat. Seharusnya Syifa tapi sudah terlanjur jadi Shifa hehe.

3. Siapa yang ngasih nama kamu? 
Bapak, Mama, Nenek dan Kakek

4. Kamu tinggal sama siapa?
Sekarang sama Nenek

5. Hal yang paling sering kamu lakukan
Apa ya .....

1. Kamu tipe orang yang terbuka atau tertutup?
Tertutup. Terbuka cuman pas mandi

2. Kok bisa?
Ya emang gitu

3. Oo, gitu ya? 

4. Apakah kamu gampang jatuh cinta? 
Gak juga

5. Apa pendapat orang tentang kamu ? 
Gak tau :$ Cantik mungkin

6. Apakah sahabatmu banyak?

1. Kapan terakhir kali makan? 
Tadi pagi

2. Makan apa? 
Nasi sama telor

3. Kapan terakhir kali mandi?
Tadi pagi

4. Kapan terakhir kali chatting?
Sudah lama ga

5. Sama siapa? 
Gak ada

6. kapan terakhir kali dapet SMS?
Tadi pagi.

7. SMS dari siapa?
Dari Yeny

8. Kapan terakhir kali...
Apa -_-

1. Lengkapi : kamu adalah orang
paling Manis...

2. Kata-kata yang pengen kamu katakan
Aku lapar

3. Apa yang ingin kamu katakan pada
Gak ada

4. Kata-kata terakhir yang barusan kamu
Kata-kata terakhir yang barusan kamu katakan

5. Kata-kata buat sahabat kamu?
Terima kasih sudah menjadi bagian dari senyumanku...

6. Kata-kata buat Nenek kamu?
Panjang umuuuuur :D

7. Apa yang pengen kamu tanyakan ke Ayahmu ? 
Apa yaaaaa

8. Siapa yang pengen kamu marahin hari ini?


1.lagi apa?
Lagi ngisi bulbo nih

Kenapa apanya -_-

3.suka warna apa?
Biru, Putih, Coklat, Pink Cotton Candy, Tosca, Magenta :)

4.nomer hp ?
Gak boleh laaaah di mention hehe


1. Hari apa skrg ?
Hari senin! Tanggal 9!! Hehehe :$

2. Kegiatan km sbelum ngebulbo?
Nyari bulbo nya dulu lah

3. Hal terindah belakangan ini?
Gak tau -_-

4. terakhir ke mall kapan?


1. foto siapa yang ada di dompet kamu?
 Gak punya dompet. Kalau kotak pensil ada fotonya aswin

2. jam berapa biasanya kamu tidur?
Kalau sudah ngantuk, jam 11 kalau gak bisa tidur, jam 2 bahkan kalau lagi kumat-kumat nya insom bisa sampe subuh baru tidur.

3. hal apa yang kamu lakukan sebelum isi ini?
Nyari bulbo, mandi trus bikin coffeemix

4. siapa yang paling kamu sering temui?
orang rumah


1. Km kalau lg serius kaya apa?
Kayak gini nih O_O

2. Km kalau lg sakit hati biasanya ngelakuin apa?
Lha, gak tau juga...palingan makan

3. Km kalau jauh dr orangtua gmana?
Wiiih gak tau tuh, jangan jauh2 deh..selama ini ditinggal cuman pas kalau lagi ada tugas ke lapangan doang..

4. Km kalau jauh dr pcar gmana?
Bah, jangaan :$

Sahabat Semut :)

(Draft postingan blog yg numpuk karena belum kelar dan sekarang udah kelar. Read it out!)

Assalamualaikuuummm~ apa kabar semua nya?? Baik? Alhamdulillah :D (Kamu ngomong sama siapa shif?) hahaha oke dalam post kali ini aku pengen nyeritain tentang Sahabat Semut. Sebutan kelasku dari kelas satu smk. Yang sekarang udah jadi alumni akan tetap menjadi semut :D

Aku pengen ngereview sejarah Semut dari kelas satu dulu...yg pasti bakalan aku ingat sampe kapanpun :) cause you're my best friends I ever had

Sunday, July 8, 2012

So, you wanna mad at me huh?

So, what's the point?
I forgot how it's like to smile and mean it for more than 2 hours.
I forgot how it's like to be a lovely person, if that ever happened.
I forgot how it feels to live and like it.
Now I just exist. Or nearly so.
So tell me what's the point of living a life pretending a smile every fucking hour of your day, pretending to be so fucking nice and adorable just for them like you and admit you into job that you don't really need and pretending to live, plus pretending to yourself that YOU ARE REALLY LOVING to live this way.
What's the point?
Tell me about it and I'll tell you why I'm so fucking ME, but it doesn't mean that I'm really fucking proud of this.
Make me understand you as I try to do the same, bitch!
by the way, i love your blog. It's explain how pity you are, hahahahahaaha sooo adorable as you :))
Oh I forgot. Yes I'm so fucking unadorned hypocrite. I'm so fucking liar as long as you know me.
So, you wanna mad at me btch? haha
Do you wanna blow up when I call you bitch? Its the same way when you call me with "fuck"
Cute, that's the cutest nickname i ever had. And I got that from you. thank you anyway :3
Hahahahaha this is funny you know, I'm happy to write this :D
Just for you know, you were not better than me, two face.

Kelamaan ga blogging, selingkuhan baru, dan instagram B-)

Akhirnya dapet juga link buat bikin post baru. sampe scrolling sampe bawah eh ga taunya ada dipojok kanan atas. *efek ga ada ngepost lg* *karna ngepost pake hp* hahaha kasihan juga sih lama ga diurusin jadi kelihatan ga diurusin banget. sama aja ya *emot senyum idiot*

Setelah graduation dan dinyatakan lulus, setiap hari bambungnya ga ketulungaaaan. Gila makan aja sampe malam baru makan deh terus bangun pagi juga minimal jam 10 baru bangun kalau lagi males banget bisa sampe jam 1 hiii :| gimana badan gak tambah besar ini...

Balik ke judul, selingkuhan baru disini adalah sehelai samsung galaxy tab 7 plus warna putiiiiiihh dan dia yang menyebabkan saya tidak lagi sering membuat postingan blog -.- hehe dan karena di android sudah ada instagram, maka bersyukurlah saya. Bagi yang punya instagram, bisa follow saya: shifonggg 'G' nya tiga loh ya.

Ah udah deh nulis post lewat bb ini nyiksa bener. Sampe kesemutan dan sering salah ketik. Bzzz. Sayonara dulu ya~